Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Post Easter

Sunday was an amazing day in more ways than one. I got to preach my first Easter sermon ever. It was an overwhelming experience  It was also my 39th birthday which made it even more special. It was our first time to do multiple services and it went off nearly flawless. We had a man we had been praying would come for a long time decide to spend Easter with his family. Over all it was just an amazing day. 

Monday Post-Easter began. All I can say is wow. Mentally and physically I was done. One pastor calls those days bread truck Mondays because you just wish you were a bread truck driver because no one gets mad at the bread truck guy. That or you feel like you have been hit by a bread truck. Anyway I was wiped. As I drove around found comfort in the fact that better men than me had felt the same way. As I talked to Jason and he encouraged me I began to appreciate even more the church God has placed us into. I began to think of the people who have come up to me after a sermon and told me God spoke to them. The people who God has allowed me to speak to about a whole array of problems. Those He has allowed me to laugh and cry with. The smile and tears he has allowed me to be a part of so far.

I feel much better now. Monday is gone and I am looking forward to what God is going to do Sunday. I know there will be more Mondays like the other day ahead. I also know everyone of them will be worth it. 

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